Recommended payment method for the fastest processing time
- No surcharge when you pay by Fast Bank Transfer (PayID).
- No limit for this payment method, except your own bank transfer limits that can be increased/decreased by logging into your internet banking or contacting your bank.
- Your payment will arrive in our account instantly and your transaction will be
processed within business hours (Sydney time 9:00 am – 5:30 pm). - Payment may be held by your bank or may take 1-2 business days to clear for a first-time
How to pay by Fast Bank Transfer (PayID)
- Check if your bank can make faster payments using PayID.
- You need our PayID ( plus your transaction reference.
- In Payment Method (Step 5 of Send Money), Select Fast Bank Transfer with PayID, tick the checkbox to agree with our Terms & Conditions, and click Pay now.
- The transaction will be submitted and you will find the payment instructions including our PayID ( You will also find the transaction reference number that needs to be included in your bank transfer’s reference.
- Note down the to transfer via your internet banking. Do not worry if you accidentally close the message because we also send you an email that contains the same payment information to your registered email address.
Here are the instructions for Fast Bank Transfer with PayID for ANZ Bank, Commonwealth Bank, Westpac Bank, and NAB:
- From: your selected account
- Select Pay Select Pay Anyone
- Select Mobile/PayID
- Select Email address
- Email address:
- Select Continue
- Amount: see Total to pay us
- Reference (optional): your Transaction Reference
- Description (optional): your Transaction Reference
- Select Next
- Select Pay now
- Input Password
- Select Pay Anyone
- From: your selected account
- To: Add a new payee
- How would you like to pay: Email address
- Email address:
- Amount: see Total to pay us
- Message (optional): your Transaction Reference
- Your name or business name: your Transaction Reference
- Tap ‘Pay’ from main page
- Under ‘From’, tap ‘Choose an account’ and then select the account you want to make a payment from.
- Under ‘To’, tap ‘Choose a payee or biller’
- Tap ‘Add’ icon on the top right corner
- Tap ‘New PayID/Mobile payee’
- Tap ‘Email address’
- Enter
- Tap ‘Continue’
- Check PayID name: Remox and then tap ‘Next’
- Enter under ‘Reference’: your Transaction Reference
- Enter under ‘Description’: your Transaction Reference
- Enter in ‘Amount’: total_to_pay
- Tap ‘Next’
- Check again your Transaction Reference in both lines: ‘Description’
- When you’re ready, tap “Confirm”
- Tap ‘Pay & transfer’ from the main page OR tap ‘Pay’ from your selected account
- Tap ‘Pay someone’
- Tap ‘+’ on the top right corner
- Tap ‘more…’
- Tap ‘Email address’
- Enter
- Tap ‘Next’
- Check PayID name: Remox and then tap ‘OK’
- Enter in ‘Amount’: total_to_pay
- Enter in ‘Description’: your Transaction Reference
- Enter in ‘Reference (optional)’: your Transaction Reference
- Tap ‘Next’
Contact Us:
If you still need any assistance with making payment for your online transaction,
simply visit our website and chat with us via LiveChat or call 02 8318 5977 if you
want to speak to us directly.